Change Your Zip Code:
The average Full-Load Cooling Hours for Selected Location is: N/A
Number of units:
Electric rate ($/kWh):
Initial cost per Unit (retail price with installation):
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) Rating:
Cooling Capacity of Air Conditioner (Btu/hr):
Use with Programable Thermostat:
What fuel do you use to heat your home?
Fuel Rate ($/therm)
How large is your home? (in square feet)
When was your home built?
When was your existing furnace installed?
Installed Cost per Unit (estimated retail price)
Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE)
Use with programmable Thermostat (Yes/No)
Summary of Benefits for 1 Central Air Conditioner(s)
Summary of Benefits for Gas Furnance
Initial cost difference
Life cycle savings
Net life cycle savings (life cycle savings - additional cost)
Simple payback of additional cost (years)
Life cycle energy saved (kWhMMBtu)
Life cycle air pollution reduction (lbs of CO2)
Number of cars removed from the road for a year
Air pollution reduction equivalence (acres of forest)
Savings as a percent of retail price
Annual and Life Cycle Costs and Savings for 1 Central Air Conditioner(s)
Annual and Life Cycle Costs and Savings for Gas Furnance
1 HIGH EFFICIENCYUnit 1 ConventionalUnit Savings withHIGH EFFICIENCY UNIT
Annual Operating Costs
Energy Costs
Energy consumption (kWhMMBtu)
Energy consumption (Gallons)
Maintenance Cost
Life cycle costs
Operating Costs
Energy Costs
Energy consumption (kWhMMBtu)
Energy consumption (Gallons)
Maintenance Cost
Purchase Price for 1 Unit(s)